
In the beautiful town of Aranda de Duero, the traditions are intertwined with the gastronomy in a unique way and exciting. This region of Spain is known for its rich culinary heritage and its typical dishes that delight the most demanding palates. In this section, we will immerse ourselves in the world of gastronomy and the traditions of Aranda de Duero, where the Lamb Roast, the Morchilla of Aranda, the Chorizo, the Wine, The conger eel in green sauce, the Cake Aranda, French Toast and the Fried Milk are the protagonists.


Lamb Roast: The King of the Table

When it comes to the cuisine of Aranda de Duero, you can not miss the Lamb Roast. This dish is a real emblem of the city, and a culinary experience that you must try. The lamb is a lamb young man raised in the fields of the region, and slow roasted in wood-fired ovens. The tender and juicy meat, with his skin golden and crisp, is a real delight for meat lovers.

Morcilla de Aranda
Chorizo al vino

Sausage Aranda: A Delicacy Unmatched

The Sausage Aranda is another gastronomic treasure that you'll find on this earth. It is a rice pudding with a unique flavor and a soft texture that sets them apart from other sausages. The rice is mixed with onion and spices to create a filling delicious that is stuffed into natural casings and cook on a slow fire. The result is a dish delicious and tasty that it's worth a try.

Chorizo al vino: A delight for the senses

The Chorizo in Wine is a dish that captures the essence of home cooking and culinary tradition. This delicacy, simple but full of flavor, combines the intensity of the chorizo with the richness and complexity of the wine, creating a perfect balance that delights the palate. The chorizo, cured with spices and herbs, cooking slowly in wine, which allows the meat to absorb the flavors and deep, aromatic liquid, resulting in a dish succulent and aromatic. This dish not only is a reflection of the ability to combine simple ingredients into something extraordinary, but also a culinary experience must have for those who appreciate the authenticity and the taste for the traditional.

Torta de Aranda
Congrio (a la arandina)

Cake Aranda: A Sweet Caprice

When we speak of this staple, we're talking about a loaf of bread, round shape, flat, crumb fluffy, crispy crust oiled and hoyada its surface by the fingers artisan baker, a delicious complement to our lamb roast.

Conger eel (to the arandina) in green sauce:

The time of lent including Holy Week, is very own to consume this dish, whose protagonist is the conger eel, white fish taste delicious-cooked in this sauce called green.

Torrijas o
Leche Frita:
El Toque Final

Cake Aranda: A Sweet Caprice

Torrijas are a traditional dessert that can be enjoyed especially during the Holy Week in Aranda de Duero. These slices of bread soaked in milk, fried and sprinkled with sugar and cinnamon. The result is a sweet treat and comforting that reflects the rich history and traditions of the city.

Limonada de Semana Santa:
Una Bebida Tradicional

The Lemonade of Holy Week is an emblematic drink that is enjoyed in Aranda de Duero, during Holy Week, a holiday of great importance in the city. This refreshing drink is a tradition that dates back generations ago and it has become a symbol of hospitality. Prepared with wine, fresh lemons, cinnamon and sugar, your lemonade is a sweet drink and citrus, served generously to the visitors and locals during this time of the year. It is a perfect way to cool down and partake of the hospitality characteristic of Aranda de Duero.

Participación en Procesiones:
Devoción y Espiritualidad

Participation in religious processions is a custom rooted in Aranda de Duero, especially during the Holy Week. The processions are a manifestation of devotion and spirituality that attracts thousands of people of the city and its surroundings. The main brotherhoods parade through the streets carrying religious statues of great historical and artistic value.

Participación en Procesiones:
Devoción y Espiritualidad

The participants are dressed in robes and hoods, creating an atmosphere of solemnity and reflection. The music of the bands and the candles add a special touch to these processions. Participation in a procession is a unique experience to learn about the religion and the local culture of Aranda de Duero.

Visita a Bodegas Subterráneas:
Un Viaje al Mundo del Vino

The underground cellars of Aranda de Duero are one of the main attractions of the city and provide a unique experience for those who want to venture into the world of wine. These wine cellars that date back to centuries ago, have been excavated in the earth and are a testimony of the profound relationship of Aranda de Duero, with the viticulture and oenology. During a visit to the wineries, visitors have the opportunity to explore the underground tunnels and cellars where they store and age the wines of the region. The guide expert reveals the secrets of wine making and the wine history of the city, while the visitors can taste some of the exquisite local wines. This experience is an immersion in the culture of the wine of Aranda de Duero, you can not miss.

Turismo en
Aranda de Duero

Descubre la
Belleza y la Cultura

Aranda de Duero, a charming city in the heart of Spain, is a tourist destination that combines history, culture, gastronomy and natural beauty. In this section, we will take you in a tour through the tourist richness of Aranda de Duero, providing essential information on location, points of interest, cultural events, lodging, and recommendations to make the most of your visit.

Información Turística:
Explora la Joya de la Ribera del Duero

Tourist information: Explore the Jewel of the Ribera del Duero


Aranda de Duero is strategically located in the region of Castilla y León, in the heart of the famous Ribera del Duero. This privileged location makes it an ideal starting point to explore this renowned wine region and enjoy its rich historical heritage. The city is characterized by its cobbled streets and medieval architecture, that transport you to another era while exploring its charming squares and historical monuments.


The points of interest in Aranda de Duero are numerous. The church of Santa Maria, a stunning gothic church of the FIFTEENTH century, and the church of St. John, with its unique bell tower, are obligatory stops for lovers of the religious architecture. The underground wine cellars, dating back centuries, are a sample of the deep bond of the city with the viticulture, and offer a unique experience for wine lovers. In addition, the Romanesque Bridge, and the main Square are landmarks that you cannot miss.


Cultural events in Aranda de Duero are vibrant and varied throughout the year. During Holy Week, religious processions fill the streets of fervor and devotion. The Festival Sonorama Ribera attracts music lovers from all over the country, and the Fair of the Lid is an opportunity to taste the delicious local cuisine.

Comodidad y Encanto
en la Ribera

For your stay in Aranda de Duero, you'll find a wide variety of accommodation options to suit your needs and preferences. The hotels in the city offer modern amenities and are strategically located close to major points of interest. The inns and farm houses give you the opportunity to experience the local hospitality and the charm of life in the field.

Experiencias Inolvidables
en Aranda de Duero

To fully enjoy your visit to Aranda de Duero, here you have some recommendations:

Local cuisine: do Not miss the opportunity to taste the Lamb Roast, the Morchilla of Aranda, the Chorizo and Wine and other traditional dishes that are true culinary treasures of the region.

Wine tours: Explore the underground cellars and embark on a wine tour for the Ribera del Duero to discover the secrets of wine production, local, and enjoy tastings of wines of renown.

Outdoor activities: The natural beauty of the surroundings of Aranda de Duero offers opportunities for hiking, cycling and other outdoor activities in a unique environment.

Aranda de Duero is a tourist destination that captivates its visitors with its rich history, its vibrant culture and delicious cuisine. Whether exploring points of interest, enjoying cultural events, looking for cosy accommodation, or savouring the local cuisine, this city offers you an unforgettable experience in the heart of the Ribera del Duero. Come and discover the beauty and charm of Aranda de Duero!

Holy week in Aranda de Duero, declared of Regional Tourist Interest and is organized by the COORDINATOR OF BROTHERHOODS AND BROTHERHOODS OF the HOLY WEEK OF ARANDA DE DUERO.

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